Members' Area
This page is in memory of Pattenmakers of the past.
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Nigel John Linstead
Anthony Donald Miller
George Andrews
Brian James
Robert Paul Ziff
Brian James

- D.O.D:
- 23-05-20
- Profile:
- It is with great sadness that we have to report that Liveryman Brian James passed away Saturday evening, 23rd May 2020. He had been very poorly for a while but for the last three weeks he had been in bed overlooking the River Severn at his home in Lydney, Gloucestershire; it was the day after his 77th birthday.
Having been in banking and active in charitable work as a Freemason, he was subsequently Treasurer of many charitable organisations including Friends of Lydney Hospital where he was a long serving Treasurer and Trustee. His diligence and kindness will be much missed by many.
A Liveryman of the Pattenmakersfor over 25 years, he was a keen and enthusiastic member and he and Sheila were regular attendees at our events. Brian was also a member of the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire. His lifelong friend John Thurston writes: “I was fortunate to visit Brian on Friday when he was able to acknowledge, with a sort of smile, the birthday card which depicted two gentlemen sharing an after dinner brandy one said “I say the glass is only half full” the other replied “I say the glass is too small”.I shared many good evenings with Brian. If a true friend is someone who you can disagree with and still remain friends, then Brian was a True Friend.
Having visited the Pattenmakers on several occasions and Brian and Sheila visiting Carmen Company’s events with myself I know how much we both enjoyed and valued the Livery and its traditions”. Brian had no family but leaves his wife Sheila.